An erratum was noticed on p. 179 (Chapter 6) in the Worked Problem (1). The error lies in how the equation in this worked problem is displayed. For clarity, the original equation in the text is currently written:

The equation should be written:

This also causes a slight change to how the solution to the Worked Problem is written. The answer in the book currently reads:
A: From linear momentum conservation. mABuAB = -mCuC, and therefore mAB(uAB)max = -mC(uC)max. The maximum translational evergy is E't, max = ½mAB(uAB)2max + ½mC(uC)2max. From these two relations one obtains the required result by eliminating (uC)max. Note that AB molecules with the maximum velocity are those formed in their ground vibrational and rotational state.
The answer in the book should be written:
A: From linear momentum conservation, mABuAB = mCuC. The maximum translational energy is E't, max = ½mAB(uAB)2max + ½mC(uC)2max. From these two relations one obtains
. Note that AB molecules with the maximum velocity are those formed in their ground vibrational and rotational state.